Tuesday, October 07, 2014

News from The Chronicle

(Courtesy of the  September 27 and October 2, 2014 editions of THE CHRONICLE)

Make a Lasting Impact…Join 4-H
National 4-H Week Oct. 5-11, 2014

4-H'ers across the nation are responding to challenges every day in their communities and their world.

With a rich history and an expansive network reaching every corner of the country, 4-H is the nation's largest youth development organization.  More than 6 million 4-H youth in urban neighborhoods, suburban schoolyards and rural farming communities stand out among their peers:  building revolutionary opportunities and implementing community-wide change at an early age.

Raasch Participates in Ag Leaders Trip
Twenty-three Iowa Farm Bureau leaders spent a few days away from their farms to visit Capitol Hill and their elected officials during the annual Ag Leaders policy trip September 9-11 to discuss key farm issues, including ditching EPA’s proposed Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule, maintaining the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS), supporting additional international trade opportunities, and biotechnology.

Iowa Farm Bureau members met with their elected officials in Washington to discuss pressing issues that impact their farms including support for important conservation programs, development of international trade opportunities, and extending important tax programs. Members used the opportunity with their lawmakers to share how key issues affect their farms and asked them to stand behind Iowa’s farm families.

Those participating in the trip included Matt Raasch of Odebolt.

The Ag Leaders Institute is a year-long program offered to select Farm Bureau members around the state. The program provides cutting-edge information about agricultural issues while developing individual leadership skills and working to create a network of leaders across Iowa. The Institute culminates with a trip to Washington, D.C., and graduation at the Iowa Farm Bureau annual meeting, December 2-3 in Des Moines. The Institute has prepared 400 leaders since 1998.

Blood Drive
The next community blood drive in Odebolt will be Wednesday, November 26th from 2:30-6:30 PM at the Odebolt Community Center Community Room.  Click here to make an appointment.

Odebolt Community Coffee Invitation
Locals are invited every Monday to the Odebolt Presbyterian Church's Fellowship Hall to enjoy coffee from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Flu Vaccinations
Sac County Health Services will be offering flu shots to the public on Friday, October 10 at First State Bank in Odebolt from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.  Those persons with Medicare, Part B should bring their card.  Sac County Health Services is unable to bill Medicare HMO's, Medicaid or private insurance.  If you do not have Medicare coverage, cost for flu vaccination is $25.


Wednesday, Oct. 8th

Saturday, Nov. 1st

Wednesday, Nov. 12th

Wednesday, Dec. 10th

The Odebolt Community Center would like to give a big THANK YOU to Lundell Plastics for donating and installing the new awnings on the north side of the building.  It adds a lot to the appearance of the building and is very functional.

Great job Vance and we appreciate all that you do for the Center.

Odebolt Community Center
Board of Directors
Odebolt, IA

City of Odebolt Receives Grant
Iowa Network Services, Inc. (INS) presented an INS Charity Grant Program Award to the City of Odebolt.  The grant was presented in conjunction with the Sac County Mutual Telephone Company, who sponsored the grant application.  The grant, in the amount of $500,  will be used for the Odebolt Swimming Pool lounge chairs.

INS created the grant program in 1993 to increase service and support to the rural independent telecommunications companies and the communities it serves.

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