Saturday, January 05, 2013

News from The Chronicle

Thursday, January 3, 2013 edition news

Supervisor Bensley Looks Back
Jack Bensley of Odebolt finished his official duties as a Sac County Supervisor at the end of the December 18 meeting.  Bensley is proud of the work that he's been a part of during that time, and at a reception he talked about a number of accomplishments since he took office in 2001:
  • A financially sound county government, with a cushion in case of emergencies.
  • Office space  for supervisors in the Sac County Courthouse and a meeting room with space for many guests.
  • Building projects, including the Law Enforcement Center, Sac County Conservation Center, new ambulance facilities in Sac City and Lake View, a new garage/storage area just north of the Sac County Courthouse.
Bensley said he took his work seriously and attended as many of his assigned committee meetings as he could, serving as chairman on several committees over the years. 

Bensley said he will miss being a supervisor.  "I worked with a lot of good people," he said.  "I wish them well with the future."

United Fund Drive
The United Funds of Odebolt and Wheeler Board of Directors held their meeting on Nov. 29, 2012.  The purpose of the meeting was to disburse the $4,423 collected in the 2012 drive.  Recipient organizations are listed in the January 3 Chronicle.

Farewell Reception
Open House
Reverend Mark & Jean Volkers
January 13, 2013   1 - 3 p.m.
at First Presbyterian Church in Odebolt
in Fellowship Hall

Thursday, December 27, 2012 edition news

Sac County Barn Quilts Signage
Several years ago the Sac County Barn Quilt Committee purchased and installed large welcome signs for all the state highways leading into the county.  When plans for Highway 20 were finalized, the group sought permission from the Sac County Supervisors to have another sign placed on private property adjacent to the new highway.  Travis Youngren of Odebolt crafted the sign with 16-foot steel legs for good visibility along the 4-lane highway, and he and several other volunteers installed the sign prior to the opening of the new highway.  Youngren and his crew also made new site signs for the Sac County Barn Quilts in 2012, as the original signs were faded and weathered.  Volunteers have been replacing the original signs.

Blood Drive
You can make a difference by making a life-saving blood donation at the next Odebolt Community Blood Drive on Thursday, January 24, 2013 from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM in the Bloodmobile at the Odebolt Community Center.  For more information or to schedule an appointment to donate, please contact LifeServe Blood Center at 800.287.4903 or visit

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