Thursday, January 31, 2013

Courier News

(Courtesy of the 1-30-13 Ida County Courier, )

O-A/BC-IG Foundation Follies coming March 9
O-A/BC-IG Dollars for Scholars will sponsor the “Foundation Follies,” a talent show and service auction fund-raiser, on March 9, 7 p. m., at the high school.

Students and the public can get involved by performing a talent, taking tickets, serving refreshments or setting up and taking down tables. Students can also donate to the service auction as an individual or as part of a group.

Suggestions for donations include yard work, car detailing, baked items or any other service you would like to donate. Forms and sign-up sheets are in the high school library. Sign up by Feb. 8.

RPS vote is Tuesday, Feb. 5th for BC-IG, O-A
Residents of the Battle Creek-Ida Grove and Odebolt-Arthur School Districts will go to the polls Tuesday, Feb. 5, to vote on revenue purpose statement public measures.

Polls are open from noon to 8 p. m.

O-A polling places are the Odebolt Fire Station for Sac County residents and the Arthur Community Building for Ida and Crawford County residents.

Since the state tax replaces the old, local one-cent sales tax, the districts must restate how they intend to use the funds and the community must vote on that revenue purpose statement.

Carstensen tapped for Iowa Beef Industry Council
Terri Carstensen of Odebolt was appointed to a one-year term on the Iowa Beef Industry Council during its January meeting.

The Iowa Beef Industry Council administers the Iowa portion of the national beef checkoff. Its budget invests in state and national beef promotion, research, consumer information and industry information programs.

In addition, Iowa forwards approximately $1.6 million to the National Cattlemen’s Beef Board for national beef promotion programs to market beef domestically and internationally. For more information, contact the Iowa Beef Industry Council, P. O. Box 451, Ames, Iowa 50010.

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