Friday, November 30, 2012

News from The Chronicle

Hey Kids! It's that time again...
"Letters to Santa!:
Send your letters to:
The Chronicle
P.O. Box 485, Odebolt, IA 51458
We will set them for the newspaper and forward them to Santa at the North Pole!
DEADLINE: Friday, December 7

Circle the date, December 8, 2012 on your calendar and get ready for the annual fun-filled Christmas in Odebolt!

Come one, come all, for free soup and sandwiches to be served at the Odebolt Community Center from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Other activities include a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus, free pop, goodies bags and prizes for the kids and crafts with the OA Showmen 4-H group!

Also, there will be drawings for turkeys, Santa Bucks, beef certificates and marinated turkey breasts every 5 minutes.  You must bring non-perishable food items for the Sac County Food Pantry to be entered in the drawings.

There will be a Grand Prize drawing at 1 p.m. for a Blu-Ray Home Theater System.

Adding to the festivities this year will be a live nativity held from 12:45 to 1:15 p.m. on the east side of the community center.

KAYL will be broadcasting live from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Bring your children and grandchildren and visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus!  Come and enjoy the fun!!

December 9, 2012
11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Odebolt Community Center

Silent Auction & Raffles

Dustin Carter Auctioneering
2 prints by CJ Brown Studios, Purebred Brittany Spaniel

Luncheon provided by
The Bowling Alley Catering
(Free will offering)

Sac Endowment Foundation Donation City of Odebolt was awarded $5,888 for pool renovations, Odebolt Betterment Committee was awarded $4,138 for Peterson Pioneer House roof and door replacement, and the Rural Legacy was awarded $4,555 for Richland School interior wall work from the Sac County Endowment Foundation. Accepting the check for Odebolt Betterment is Madeline Meyer, for the pool is Todd Bengford, R.J. Rex, Odebolt Mayor, Elaine Rex, representing Sac County Endowment Foundation and for the Rural School is Deb Reinhart.  Learn more about the Odebolt Betterment Committee and The Rural Legacy Project here.


Saturday, December 1            wedding dance
Saturday, December 8            Odebolt Christmas party
Sunday December 9               Danny Schwaller benefit
Wednesday, December 12      OCC Meeting
Saturday, December 15          Frank & Diane Neville Anniversary
Saturday, December 22          private party

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