Friday, November 30, 2012

Courier news

(Courtesy of the Ida County Courier, 11/28/12 edition.

O-A District to vote on PPEL renewal, Tuesday, December 4

On Tuesday, Dec. 4, voters in the Odebolt-Arthur Community School District will be asked to vote on a renewal of the district Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL). Polls are open from noon to 8 p. m. at the Arthur Community Center and the Odebolt Fire Station.

Residents of the district can attend an informational meeting this Thursday, Nov. 29, at 7 a. m., in the conference room at Odebolt.

PPEL comprises two levies—the regular Physical Plant and Equipment Levy and the voter-approved Physical Plant and Equipment Levy. The maximum for the regular is 33 cents for each $1,000 taxable assessed valuation and the maximum for the voter approved is $1.34 for each $1,000 taxable assessed valuation, for a combined maximum of $1.67 for each $1,000 taxable assessed valuation.

The maximum length of the voter-approved PPEL program is 10 years. The current levy expires June 30, 2013. The district voter-approved PPEL program would provide approximately $175,000 a year for 10 years. The Odebolt-Arthur Community School District has had the voter approved PPEL in place for at least the last 10 years.

Renewal of the levy will not increase property tax rates. The district and the board are committed to setting the voterapproved rate at a level that will not increase the overall school district property tax rate. The district can do this by raising and lower levies for Management Fund, PPEL, Cash Reserve and Instructional Support to ensure there will not be an overall property tax rate increase.

Projects OACSD has completed using PPEL funds include boiler repairs, building carpet replacement, outdoor maintenance, electrical upgrades, concrete replacement, school buses and support vehicles, musical instruments, classroom technology, teacher and student computers and upkeep of the elementary playground.

If you have questions or want to learn more about the O-A PPEL program, call Superintendent Dr. Nick Ouellette at 712-668-2289, contact by email or stop into the district main of ices for a visit.

Area communities make holiday plans


CHRISTMAS PARTY:  Odebolt’s Christmas party is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 8, from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., at the community center. All ages are invited for a visit with Santa Claus. Admission is food items for the food pantry.

The event also includes soup and sandwiches by the women of the Ingleside and Tuesday Clubs. The O-A Showmen 4-H Club will be providing crafts for the kids.

There will be prizes for the kids’ poster winners in two age groups. The prizes are $15 for first place, $10 for second and $5 for third.

Drawings for various other prizes will be conducted, including the grand prize, a $300 home theater system with blue ray and DVD player. To be eligible for the grand prize drawing you must bring one or more canned goods items for the food pantry.

LIVE NATIVITY:  A live nativity will be on display on the east side of the community center on Saturday, Dec. 8, from 12:45 to 1:15 p. m.

TOUR OF HOMES:  The Richland Robins 4-H Club’s tour of homes will be Saturday, Dec. 8, from 3 to 6 p. m. Tickets are $10 each. Part of the proceeds will go to the community food bank.

The tour starts at the Odebolt Public Library at 200 S. Walnut St. Coffee, cider and cookies will be served. The featured homes on the tour are Ron and Roxie Meier, Amy Brummer, Everett and Bobbi Scott, Charles and Pam Lindberg and Duane and Janice Schofield.

Faith Lutheran Church Sunday School class and Faith Formation students will present A Christmas Window, on Sunday, on December 16th during worship .


Santa Claus will visit with children Saturday, Dec. 8, starting at 10 a. m. at the community building. Coffee and cookies will be available for the adults who attend. The City of Arthur and the Arthur Library sponsor Santa’s visit.

Students rehearse for Christmas concerts

Students are busy rehearsing for a variety of holiday programs and winter concerts to be performed at area schools.

On Dec. 13 at 7 p. m., Odebolt-Arthur Elementary will present its holiday program, under the direction of Sonya Schiphoff.

The kindergarten, first and second graders will be performing a collection of songs under the title “Merry Merry Joy Joy.” Songs include: “Merry Merry Joy Joy,” “Season of Bells,” “I Want To Be an Elf,” “Over the River,” “Snowman Jump,” “A Kitty for a Present,” “Holiday-Holiday” and “Go in Peace.”

The fourth and fifth grade children’s choir will be performing two songs at the concert titled “Once Again It’s Christmas” and “Christmas Time.”

The fifth grade band, under the direction of Neil Anders, will make its debut performing “Hot Cross Buns,” “Good King Wenceslas,” “Jolly Old St. Nick” and “Jingle Bells.”

On Monday, Dec. 17, at 7 p. m., the Odebolt-Arthur/Battle Creek-Ida Grove High School will present its holiday concert in the high school gym.

The high school choir, under the direction of Linda Johnson, will sing “O Holy Night” by M. Huff, “Bidi Bom” by D. Eddleman, “Mary Did You Know” by M. Huff, “A La Nanita Nana” by D. Eddleman and “Jingle Bells (Sort of)” by Jay Althouse. Watch for further details on concert band selections.

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