August 22, 2012
Members of the Odebolt Historical Museum met August 22 at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present –Stephanie Fleenor, Eleanor Peterson, Kathy Larson, Renee Babcock and Alice Hemphill.
President Kathy Larson called the meeting to order. The secretary’s report was deferred. Renae Babcock presented the treasurer’s report. It was approved as presented.
Old Business – Kathy has made arrangements to have the bat control man to come to the museum. A motion was made and approved to have the bat man come, and bat proof the museum. Kathy shared that Steve Wunschel donated a laptop computer to the museum.
New Business – John Noyd contacted Kathy and he is concerned about the electrical wiring on the second floor. The Electric Company will be contacted. John also shared concern about the possibility of other fire concerns on the second floor. Kathy checked into these concerns and nothing was found to be a problem. A thank you was shared to John for his recent donation to the museum. Discussion was held in regard to items being donated to the museum, with wishes for them to be displayed in a special manner, i.e. a display case. Members felt the donations will need to be voted on an individual bases, due to space and availability. It was brought up if the elevator could be brought up to working order.
Members discussed meeting quarterly, instead of just meeting in the summer. It was voted to be meet quarterly, starting November 14, 2012. The following meetings will be held in February, May and August with a special meeting in April to clean.
- Secretary Pro-tem, Stephanie Fleenor
November 14, 2012
Members of the Odebolt Historical Museum met November 14 at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present – Alice Hemphill, Marilyn King, Stephanie Fleenor, Eleanor Peterson, Mary Schroeder, Stephanie Ullrich, Renae Babcock and Kathy Larson. Guest present – Deb Reinhart.
President Kathy Larson called the meeting to order. The secretary’s report was deferred to the next meeting. Treasurer’s report was presented. Eleanor made a motion to accept the report with Mary seconding the motion. Motion carried.
Old Business – Kathy reported the bat problem has been resolved. The alarm system now works through the internet; this should allow the alarm system to operate better. Since the museum now has internet, there was discussion about getting a wireless router. Alice made the motion to allow Kathy to purchase a router, which will help individuals doing research in our museum. Eleanor seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Electric Company recently checked the electrical system in the second story of the museum, finding a way to shut off power to the second level as needed.
New Business – Deb Reinhart shared the vision of creating advertising for several of Odebolt’s unique historical spots. She is hoping to get support from the school house project, Petersen home, and several other points of interest in our community, then developing a pamphlet that could be placed at points of interest around the area. Plans may include having a central contact point, to help set up tours. After questions and discussion, Stephanie F. made a motion to support Deb in her plans to pursue advertising Odebolt’s historical spots, with Eleanor seconding the motion. Motion carried.
Kathy shared that Kyle Hustedt is planning to make a second book about the Adams Ranch. Kyle’s first book was written while he was in high school, over thirteen years ago. He plans to add more pictures and new information to the new book. If anyone has pictures, stories or any other type of information they would be willing to share with Kyle, please get in touch with Kathy Larson by December 15th.
Kathy passed around an edition of the Draft Horse Journal that contained an article about the Adam’s Ranch. The writer, Don Vosburg, did research for his article at the museum last summer. He included many pictures of the ranch, with some of his favorites showing the teams of mules working the fields.
Kathy and Renae were complimented on the unique Halloween window display. Members encourage everyone to keep checking the window for new displays. Stephanie Fleenor was complimented on setting up a Face Book page for the Odebolt Historical Museum. She plans to post interesting facts and pictures, along with news and meeting minutes. Be sure and check it out.
The next meeting will be February 20, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
- Secretary, Mary Schroeder
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