Monday, September 01, 2014



School began Monday with a total enrollment of 335.  This is twelve less than at the opening last year, but this is explained by the fact that there were several Mexican families in the city a year ago while the sewer was being built, and many of them enrolled their children at the opening of school.  Several families, in which there were a number of children, also moved away during the summer.  A number of children were unable to enroll at the start of school but will come later so that the attendance figures will be swelled considerably a little later on.  The enrollment in the high school is 111, the highest it has ever been.  Three years ago when Supt. Voris took charge of the local school the enrollment was 90.  Last year it was 101.  The prospects look exceptionally bright for a successful school year.

School opened at the parochial school Tuesday with a good attendance.

A number of the young ladies who are teaching in the rural schools in this vicinity began their fall terms last Monday.  Others will begin the coming Monday.  Drucilla Freese is teaching in No. 6 Wheeler township and her sister Ann in No. 5 Wheeler.  Ila Thompson is teaching the Young school three miles west of town in Richland, and Mary Reynolds the Anderson school six miles north in Cook; Emma Schramm in Wheeler seven miles south-west of town, and Emma Conley the Lange school seven miles north-east in Clinton.  Elsie Fuller will begin Monday in No. 3 Wheeler, Winnifred Ramsdell in No. 4 Wheeler, Clara Eriksson the Cranston school three miles north-east, Ora Epperson the Mandernach school two miles north; Ellen Benson will teach the Martin Messer school four miles northwest, and Lela Olson will teach near Kiron, in Crawford county.


For Sale.
A pony, will drive single or double.  Not afraid of automobiles.  Will sell cheap if taken at once.     

We are prepared and equipped to recharge magnetos at our garage right here in Odebolt.  Bring them in.  ODEBOLT AUTO & SUPPLY CO.

Grapes!  Grapes!  We have tons of them in our vineyard south of Odebolt.  The Concords are now coming on.  Odebolt people can get their supply at 3 cents per pound.    C. O. BERG.


Have you noticed our free offer?  See our ad.  The week of September 7 to 12 we will conduct a demonstration of the South Bend Malleable range at our store.  Every person buying a range will be given a $12 set of aluminum ware free.  You are invited to the demonstration.  Koehler & Hanson.


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