O-A/BC-IG students celebrate homecoming
Odebolt-Arthur/ Battle Creek-Ida Grove is celebrating homecoming this week, with the theme “Friday Night Lights.”

The homecoming court was voted on by the high school students last week. Due to a tie with the girls, there will be six king and seven queen candidates this year.
They include: Holly Bengford, daughter of Todd and Angie Bengford of Odebolt; Cassidy Bottjen, daughter of Jeff and Colleen Bottjen of Ida Grove; Katey Krager, daughter of Keith and Christine Krager of Ida Grove; Kallie Schroeder, daughter of Rick and Kris Schroeder of Odebolt; Taylor Snyder, daughter of Grant and Jean Snyder of Odebolt; Arielle Wolterman, daughter of Brian and Beth Wolterman of Ida Grove; and Shania Wunschel, daughter of Lyle and Kim Wunschel of Arthur.
Also, Chris Freese, son of Kurt and Rita Freese of Ida Grove; Garrett Rohlk, son of Tracey and Kelly Rohlk of Ida Grove; Trevor Schnuckel, son of Rod and Cindy Schnuckel of Odebolt; Colton Skirvin, son of Dan Skirvin and Jennifer Wunschel; Tyler Witzke, son of Keith and Carmen Witzke of Arthur; and Austin Zobel, son of Brad and Jackie Zobel of Ida Grove.
On Thursday, pre-parade grilling by United Bank of Iowa starts at 5 p. m. at Second and Main Streets, with proceeds going to the Athletic Boosters. Staging for the parade begins at 5:30 p. m. on Second Street from Quimby to Rohwer Streets. The parade starts at 6 p. m., running on Second Street from Quimby to Main, then south on Main Street to Fourth Street.
The school requests no parking along the parade route from 5 -7 p. m.
Roger and Karen Rector of Ida Grove are the parade grand marshals this year. They are both graduates of Odebolt-Arthur High School and long-time supporters of the Battle Creek-Ida Grove and Odebolt-Arthur School Districts as owners of the Ida County Courier/Reminder.
Friday’s activities include the powder puff game at 2:45 p. m. at the football field; Athletic Booster grilling before the game, starting at 5:30 p. m.; introduction of the homecoming court at the stadium at 6:45 p. m.; the football game versus Clarinda at 7 p. m.; and the dance at the high school from 9:30 -11:30 p. m. Eric Wells will provide DJ music for the dance.
ONRC Auxiliary Bazaar is October 5
The Odebolt Nursing and Rehab Center Auxiliary will hold its annual bazaar on Oct. 5 from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. in the assisted living section. There will be a bake sale, raffle items, a lunch of sandwiches, soups, coffee and rolls. There will also be popcorn and ice cream cones. Raffle tickets will be three for $1.
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