Friday, June 28, 2013

Courier News

Courtesy of the 6/26/13 on-line Ida County Courier,

Odebolt Creek Days contest results announced
Results have been released for the beanbag contest, pedal pull and three-on-three basketball tournament held June 15 during Odebolt Creek Day.

A total of 19 teams competed in the beanbag contest. Winners were Kyle Wunschel and Colby Hemer, first; Jory Hemer and Jeremy Hemer, second; Casey Friedrichsen and Marcus Hansen, third; and Doug Mott and Josh Bieret, fourth.

Results of the pedal tractor pull are as follows (listed in order of first, second and third):
 - Three-and four-year-olds: Zack Hoefling, Jackson Wulf and Jaxon Groth.
 - Five-and six-year-olds: Ava Hoefling, Jaiden Roeder and Deim Reis.
 - Seven-and eight-year-olds: Jarret Roeder, Griffin Diersen and Cauy Hugeback.
 - Nine-and 10-year-olds: Bella Raasch, Hannah Tegland and Alex Clark.
 - Eleven-and 12-year-olds: Garrett Hugeback, Taylor Cook and Sam Larson.

Winners in the three-on-three basketball tournament were:
 - Elementary boys—William Grote, Quintin Cranston and Jacob Cowlham
 - Elementary girls—Hallie Hemer, Ryder Cranston and Autumn Schreiber.
 - Women—Mandi Hare, Abby Grote and Rebecca Grote.
 - Men—Tate Wilken, Aaron Brotherton, Tyler Schroeder and Mark Fertig.

Sand volleyball winners were: Sac Liquors, first place; Grotes, second; and Hells Bells, third.

There were 39 entries in the car show, despite the weather. Receiving honors were Bob Pritchard of Buford, Ga., Roger Siebrecht of Odebolt, Delbert Schmidt of Schleswig, Robert Litwiller of Rockwell City, Greg Neville of Odebolt, Ron and Eileen Sutton of Odebolt, Kendall Schoen of Ida Grove, Bob Brown of Kiron, Bruce Lorenzen of Arthur and Terry Gronemeyer of Odebolt.  Ron and Eileen Sutton were awarded the Kid’s Choice Trophy. Cruise prizes went to Steve Neville and Delbert Schmidt.

O-A hires principal, ag teacher
The Odebolt-Arthur School Board met in special session June 19 to approve three contracts.

Contracts approved were for Rachel Burton, high school ag teacher; Alicia Nelson, .5 curriculum director/.5 TAG high school teacher; and Doug Mogensen, K-8 principal.

Superintendent Dr. Nick Ouelette told the board a fourth grade teacher would need to be hired to replace Nelson.

Mogensen’s contract is $82,000 a year for 230 days. Eight candidates were interviewed for the principal position.

ONRC Auxiliary hears reports
Secretary Shirley Scanlan called the regular meeting of the Odebolt Nursing and Rehab Auxiliary (ONRC) to order on June 20. She thanked the staff for the treats. Ten members answered roll call.

The secretary’s report was given and approved. The treasurer’s report was given. The cost of the new bingo cards was deducted from the balance.

Staff reports were given as follows:

Administrator Taesa Bailey: Chase Miller was hired as the new maintenance man and has started. Someone is needed in the dietary department, and also a night nurse.

Activity director Sonia Snyder: The residents are enjoying the outdoors. She said most prefer sitting on the front porch, so they can watch traffic and the kids in the pool. She reported there were lots of visitors over the Creek Day weekend. No reports on any balloons found yet.

Also, residents like the new bingo cards. The petting zoo was a success and was made possible by Vickie Renze. Residents loved it and want them to come back. The Mother’s Tea went over well with a program on hats. Father’s Day get together will be for the whole family this year.

In old business, we talked about the bazaar, which will be held Oct. 5, 2013.

The next meeting is Aug. 15 with Sally Porter serving. There is no meeting in July.

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