Members of the Odebolt Historical Museum met Wednesday, April 10 at 4:35 p.m. with the following members present – Marilyn King, Kathy Larson, Renae Babcock, Eleanor Petersen, JoAnn Scott, Verna Mae Schwaller, Stephanie Fleenor, Alice Hemphill and Mary Schroeder.
President Kathy Larson called the meeting to order. The secretary’s report was read and approved. The treasurer’s report was read and approved.
Old Business – A thank you note was sent to Faith Lutheran for their generous gift to the museum. A router has been purchased and will be set up soon, to allow access to the internet for research purposes. Stephanie Fleenor shared information from the Odebolt Area Tourism Board, which is comprised of individuals from the Rural School House, Petersen House and the Odebolt Museum. They are looking into developing a pamphlet featuring all the points of interest in the Odebolt area. This pamphlet would be distributed to local points of interest and area visitor centers. The Odebolt Tourism Board is looking ahead to having a fund raiser in August.
New Business – Kathy has been contacted by an individual doing research on early German entrepreneurs and is looking for information about Cracker Jack in the years 1910-1920. We will look and see if we have anything to share with him. The annual meeting of the Sac County Historical Society will be held April 29th in Lytton. All members are encouraged to attend. Renae shared that she has ordered the 2013 Christmas ornament. It will be a picture of the country school house that has been moved into town. She shared she usually has 60 pre- orders for the Christmas ornaments. Kathy will develop a schedule for members to work at the museum during Creek Days. Discussion was shared about times and hours that the museum would be open, possibly being coordinated with the Rural School House open hours. Members decided to table this issue until a later date. Kathy shared interest in the possibility of putting together a book about the Cook Ranch. Members showed interest and it will be explored in more detail.
The next meeting will be July 24th. Visitors are always welcomed.
Mary Schroeder
Preceding the meeting members all pitched in to “spring clean” the museum. Many hands made light work.
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