Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Courier News

(Courtesy of the 2-13-13 on-line Ida County Courier, www.idacountycourier.com )

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Evening for Education to be April 21st

The O-A/BC-IG Dollars for Scholars Foundation Board announces its fourth annual “Evening for Education” on Sunday, April 21, at Skate Palace in Ida Grove.

Those attending will enjoy the festive setting provided by the previous night’s junior –senior prom.

A meal and dessert will be served table-side by O-A/BCIG High School students (and future scholarship recipients). The evening begins with a one-hour reception at 5 p. m., dinner at 6 p. m. and featured entertainment at 7:30 p. m. Following the meal will be a live auction and the results of the silent auction.

Immediately after the auction will be an hour of music provided by an a Capella vocal band, “Home Free,” with a musical style they call an “eclectic mix of everything.” Suggested attire is business or casual business.

All proceeds will fund the scholarships provided each year to O-A/BC-IG seniors who apply for foundation scholarships. The total amount of foundation scholarships awarded to 69 O-A/BC-IG graduates last year was $186,069.

The scholarships have been made available to O-A students starting with the 2010 class at 25 percent of the full scholarship amount through the 2013 class at 100 percent of the full amount. Paul Neumann is the O-A/ BC-IG Dollars for Scholars Foundation chairman for this event and comments, “This is a great opportunity for the members of all the O-A/ BC-IG’s whole-grade sharing communities to come together for a common cause.”

Table sponsorships are available by contacting Neumann at 712-369-0035 and are available at three levels—silver, purple and black for tables of 12, 10 and eight with reserved seating. Single-seat tickets are also available for $40 a person.

Tickets are available now from Neumann or other foundation board members: Rita Freese, Evelyn Lawhead, Marcia Cates, Lorraine Johnson, Mike Rickert, Linda Burk or Tammie Dausel. Tickets must be purchased in advance. The board is also asking for donated items for the auctions.

Donations for the live and silent auctions can be given to any of the foundation members or by calling 712-365-0035. The board is looking for some desirable and fun items for the live auction. A list of the items will be published before the event.

Odebolt man dies in snowmobile accident

On Feb. 8, at about 3 p. m., the Bayfield County Sheriff’s Of ice (Wisconsin) received a cell phone 911 call reporting a snowmobile accident on a snowmobile trail about two miles south of the village of Cornucopia in the township of Bell in northern Bayfield County, according to a press release from the Bay ield County Sheriff’s Of ice.

When the first emergency personnel arrived at the accident scene, first aid was administered. It was soon determined the snowmobile operator, Scott Mandernach, 43, of Odebolt, had suffered fatal injuries. Responders to the accident included the South Shore Ambulance Service, Herbster and Cornucopia Fire Departments, Wisconsin DNR, U. S. Border Patrol and deputies from the Bayfield County Sheriff’s Of ice.

The Bayfield County Sheriff’s Office and the Wisconsin DNR investigated the crash. Mandernach was traveling with a group of nine other snowmobilers. Others in the group said he was traveling at fairly high speed. Mandernach missed a corner in the trail and struck a large tree.

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