Thursday, February 07, 2013

Courier News

(Courtesy of the 2-6-13 on-line Ida County Courier, )

Needed for 2013 
Lifeguards & Basket Persons
Pick up applications at the City Clerk's office, Odebolt
Return applications by Feb. 14, 2013. 
Pay scale $7 Basket Person; $8 Lifeguards; $9 WSI

Odebolt council handles lagoon

The Odebolt City Council will meet in special session Monday, Feb. 11, at 6 p. m., for a public hearing to dispose of the former sewer lagoon site. The public hearing begins at 6:10 p. m.

Following the public hearing, the council will vote on a resolution to disperse the old lagoon site to Pat and Ann Hoefling in exchange for the cost to clean up the old lagoon to DNR requirements.

The council will also hold a budget workshop. 

Tentative agenda:
Call to order
Roll call
Approve agenda
6:10pm Public Hearing Disposition-Former Sewer Lagoon Site
Resolution #13.11
Budget workshop
Unfinished business

For special accessibility needs, please call 668-2231,
24 hours in advance.

Drivers License Services on-line
Complete services and obtain information and records online to save a trip to the driver's license issuance site.  myMVD is for individual use by persons conducting their own transactions
  •     Electronic renewal notification
  •     Mailing address change
  •     Driving record
  •     CDL self-certification and medical examiner's certification
  •     Reinstatement requirements
BC-IG, O-A boards to meet Monday

The Battle Creek-Ida Grove and Odebolt-Arthur School Boards will hold a regular meeting on Monday, Feb. 11, 6:30 p. m., at the Odebolt media center.

Dialogue and action items include action on the job description for director of innovation and technology integration, action on the 2011-12 BC-IG audit, action on the 2013-14 school calendar for BC-IG and O-A and BC-IG appointment of a representative to the Ida County Conference Board.

(Note:  agendas are usually posted on the Odebolt Community Calendar if you wish to see them.)

Click the photo to enlarge it

O-A students jump to raise $6,238
On Feb. 1, students at Odebolt-Arthur Elementary in Odebolt jumped all over heart disease and stroke by participating in Jump Rope For Heart. The students raised $6,238 for the American Heart Association, which funds research, programs and education to ight heart disease and stroke, our nation’s number one and four killers.

Donations are still coming in and a final total won’t be available until next week. This is the most O-A Elementary has ever raised for Jump Rope For Heart.

“I’m so pleased with the success of this year’s event,” said Jeff Miesner, Jump Rope For Heart coordinator. “We all had a lot of fun and the kids enjoyed learning about the importance of physical activity and how they can play a role in saving lives.

“A special thanks needs to go out to the parents who donated their time, the staff for giving up instructional time and the community for all its support. The students were given water and fruits during the event to keep them hydrated and healthy. A huge thank you needs to go to Food Pride for donating all the water and food used during the event.”

Jump Rope For Heart is a program that promotes physical activity and heart health through jumping rope. It is co-sponsored by the American Heart Association and the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

To make a donation or to find out more about Jump Rope For Heart, call your nearest American Heart Association of ice or call 1-800-AHA-USA1 (1-800-242-8721). You can also visit us online at

Once the final tally is available, Odebolt-Arthur will have a short assembly where Elementary Principal Neal Utesch will kiss a pig for the students reaching and surpassing their $3,000 goal.

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