Ever heard of a Cash Mob??
Take the Cash Mob pledge: “I pledge to shift at least $20 of my existing monthly spending back to locally owned businesses. I will be supporting Odebolt by keeping more money in the local economy where it is needed to support our civic, social and cultural infrastructures while fueling new economic growth through local job creation and business investments.”
So give it a try. Spend an extra $20 in Odebolt and contribute to the impact.
Let’s start a Cash Mob in Odebolt.
(Adapted from SETD Newsletter)
Sac County Flu Clinic
Sac County Health Services will be offering flu shots to the public.
Tuesday, Oct. 9, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Odebolt
Those persons with Medicare Part B should bring their card along to the clinic. We are unable to bill Medicare HMO's, Medicaid or private insurance. If you do not have Medicare coverage, cost for flu vaccination is $25.00.
Sac County Health Services
DKG Receives Katrina Doll
Sigma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma was awarded the Katrina doll at their state convention in Council Bluffs. Katrina is awarded to the chapter that has collected the most money for World Fellowship and the State International Student Grants per member.
Projects of Sigma Chapter include adopting an area family at Christmas time, giving art supplies to area schools, donating toiletries to women in need, and giving scholarships to area senior girls pursuing a degree in education.
DKG is an honor society of over 150,000 women educators in 14 countries that promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.
October 10th, Wednesday OCC Meeting
October 12th, Friday wedding set-up
October 13th, Saturday wedding
October 29th, Monday Odebolt Firemen's Stag
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