Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Courier News

September 26, 2012 edition:  Ida County Courier -


It’s homecoming week for O-A/BC-IG students.  Odebolt-Arthur/Battle Creek-Ida Grove is celebrating homecoming this week, with the theme “Men In Black.”

Pre-parade grilling will be Thursday, Sept. 27, starting at 5 p. m. in downtown Ida Grove. Grilling proceeds go to the athletic boosters. Parade lineup begins at 5:30 p. m. on Second Street near Brenner’s.

The parade begins at 6 p. m. and continues on Second Street, to Main then south on Main to Fourth Street. Parade grand marshals are AJ Schable, Kelsey Bolte, Katie DeJean and James Lindgren. The school requests no parking along the parade route beginning at 5 p. m. for better viewing and safety. Coronation and super class night activities will follow at the high school starting at 7 p. m.

Homecoming queen candidates voted on by the high school students are: Laurel Bengford, daughter of Steve and Deb Bengford; Cailin Carstensen, daughter of Kurt and Tammy Carstensen; Mallory Cates and Mariah Cates, daughters of Paul and Marcia Cates; Skye Schmidt, daughter of Jason Schmidt and Shari Schmidt; and Alex Veit, daughter of Randy and Kim Veit.

King candidates are: Creighton Allen, son of Larry and Traci Allen; Derek Conover, son of Todd and Jennifer Conover; Dalton Leinbaugh, son of Mike Leinbaugh and Connie Leinbaugh; Jake Roeder, son of Dan and Fina Roeder; Royce Rosemeyer, son of Brad Rosemeyer and Kristi Rosemeyer; and Quinn Westphal, son of Darby Westphal and Paula Westphal.

Super class night activities will include the Paul Revere race, pyramid, inner tube race, blind football throw, obstacle course and tug of war.

Dress-up days for the rest of the week are: Wednesday–animal day, Thursday–would you still be my friend if I wore this day? and Friday–spirit day (black, purple and silver).

On Friday, Sept. 28, athletic boosters will be grilling starting at 5:30 p. m. at the stadium. The football game kicks off at 7 p. m. versus the Clarinda Academy Eagles. The homecoming court will be introduced prior to kickoff. The homecoming dance will follow from 9:30 to 11:30 p. m. in the high school cafetorium.

1978 O-A homecoming royalty:  Click the above photo to enlarge it.

 Click on the below photos
to enlarge them
Lundell displays collection during Kiron Heritage Days

Folks attending the Kiron Heritage Days Aug. 18 and 19 had the chance to step back in time when they visited a vintage Case dealership and the Jim Lundell farm.

Lundell, who is known locally as an avid John Deere collector, began collecting in the 1970s. During the past 40 years, he has amassed a huge collection of John Deere tractors, lawn and garden tractors, John Deere memorabilia, toys, vintage cars and pickups and display and neon signs.

“I feel fortunate that I started collecting when I did,” said Lundell. “I’m also fortunate that my sons Brad and Brian and son-in-law Kurt Kastner love it, too. Last year Kurt and I purchased the old Case dealership on Main Street in Kiron. Since then we’ve spent many hours cleaning, painting and setting up displays in the building in an effort to restore it to its former glory.

“During Kiron Heritage Days, we wanted to share a portion of our collection with the public. In addition to opening the museum, we displayed 40 John Deere tractors, 45 lawn and garden tractors and 13 cars and pickups at my farm.”

According to Lundell, the original Case dealership, Kollbaum Brothers Case, opened in the 1940s and experienced great success into the mid-1970s. The exterior of the building and the front room sport a fresh coat of paint in the original Case colors of orange. Displays in the Case portion of the building include a restored vintage tractor and Kollbaum-era lawn and garden supplies.

“When you walk into the front room, it’s like the clock went back 50 years. We’ve set it up to look like a Case show room from the 1940s,” said Lundell. “The middle room is all IH (International Harvester). It looks like an IH dealership and features Dennis Miesner’s former IH display.

“I love collecting and sharing what I collect with others. It’s fascinating to watch the evolution of collecting. It’s also fun inding something whether it’s a two-cylinder tractor or a John Deere Generation Two tractor that came out in 1973,” said Lundell.

Lundell said, “The community has shown a lot of interest in what the family is doing to the old dealership. Events like Kiron Heritage Days are one way people can reminisce and get a feel for the past history of their communities.”

From the September 19 edition of the Ida County Courier.

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