The Fairview Farm once located near Odebolt, more commonly known as "Adams Ranch" is featured in the Autumn 2012 issue of The Draft Horse Journal.
The six-page article "Mega Farming With Mules; Remembering the Adams Ranch," was written by Don Vosburg using photos and information from "The Odebolt History Pages", articles from The Odebolt Chronicle and other papers, and interviews with people who once worked on the ranch. Roger Rector, (now editor of the Ida County Courier) who grew up on the Adams Ranch, is quoted several times about his memories of the farm. Vosburg's focus is on farming with mules, but much of the history of the Adams family and the ranch is included in this interesting article.
In return for the use of material & photos from "The Odebolt History Pages" I have received copies of the magazine which I will deliver to the Odebolt History Museum and the Odebolt Library the next time I am in Odebolt.
Information and photos of the ranch can also be accessed at the Odebolt History Pages.
- Barb Girvan Horak, editor
My mother has fond memories of her many visits to the Adams ranch house in the late 1920's and 1930's. She is in her 90's and in great health and living in a home near her many family members in Southern California.