Sunday, January 15, 2012

1/10/12 OBC Meeting Minutes

The Odebolt Betterment Committee met Jan. 10, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. at the Downtown Café. Present were Elaine Rex, Kathy Willhoite, Howard Hustedt, Kerry and Deb Reinhart, Carol Raasch, Jack Bensley, and Linda Godbersen.

The minutes of previous meeting were read. Howard made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Kerry seconded. All ayes.

Bank balance at this time is $5,939.05. Breakdown as followed:
Undesignated: $445.95
City Park: $2,820.55
Greenspace: $11.55
Sign Landscape: $61.00
Peterson Pioneer Home Relocation: $2,350
Jack made a motion to accept the treasurer report, Elaine seconded. All ayes
There is $300.91 in Iowa State for upkeep on Triangle Park.

Carol gave a report on the Rural School Project. At this time electricity has been run to the building. The electricity was supposed to be trenched but there is too much debris in the ground so a pole was installed. Shingles and windows have been ordered, they are waiting on the contractor to install them.

Kerry gave update on the City Park Project. The project has been completed and the final report for the Sac Co. Endowment Foundation has been filled out and Kerry delivered it to Sac City. Mid American has given the Odebolt Betterment Committee a donation of $250.00 for the park project, Kerry will install a new walk in door on the west side of the enclosed shelter house.

Kerry has talked to Vance about sealing and highlighting the signs, Vance stated that he will check on this. Also was noted that some of the plants around the signs will have to be replaced, Vance stated that he will pay for having them replaced.

Kathy gave a report on the Peterson Pioneer Home. Kris and Deb have worked on the Sac Co. Endowment Foundation grant and the INS grant. There are plans for an omelet brunch in the near future; there are still some details that need to be worked out. United Bank of Iowa will be making a donation towards this project on Jan. 17th, Elaine, Ron and Howard will accept if for the Odebolt Betterment Committee.

There has been no mention on the County property, but we need to come up with some type of plan for this area before we meet with the County Engineer. Maybe this area will be a future plan for the committee.

As of Feb. 3, 2011 Jamboree Foods will close their doors. Howard has talked to several people about this and would like to know our thoughts on trying to get someone in the building. There may be a community meeting on this subject to see if there is enough interest in the community to keep the store open. If anyone has any comments please let Howard know.

Future plans for this spring may be the M43 intersection, the pool area and the Monument Circle.

The next meeting will be Feb. 14, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at the Downtown Café.
     Deb Reinhart

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