Grab your basket and come and join us!
Easter Egg Event
Saturday, April 23, 9:30 a.m.
Odebolt Nursing & Rehab Center
[from April 21 Chronicle]
For children up to 9 years.
Assemble in the parking lot by age groups.
Cash prizes will be in some of the eggs.
Children must have their own baskets.
Afterwards cookies and juice will be served by ONRC
Sponsored by Wheeler Lodge #398 of Arthur
Rainbow Assembly & Arthur Eastern Star.
OA/BCIG FFA Week Activities
• Members cooked and served a meal for 150 students attending the Western Valley Conference music event held at the school.
• Members grilled burgers for the entire high school. Special thank you's to Odebolt Locker and Tony Hoelscher, and to the Ida County Pork Producers for use of the grill.
• Six members participated in ag safety day at the Sac County Fair Grounds. They taught water safety, food safety, chemical look-alike, pet safety and provided a grain bin demonstration to second grade students.
• 25 members drove tractors to school on March 29, a new record.
Holy Week and Easter Services in Odebolt and Kiron
April 21, Maundy Thursday
2:30 p.m. Faith Lutheran - Maundy Thursday service at ONRC
5:00 p.m. United Methodist - Maundy Thursday service
7:00 p.m. Faith Lutheran - Holy Communion joint service at Bethel Lutheran, Kiron
7:00 p.m. First Baptist, Kiron - Holy Communion
7:00 p.m. First Presbyterian - Worship with Holy Communion
7:00 p.m. Trinity Lutheran - Maundy Thursday Communion service
7:30 p.m. St. Martin Catholic - Holy Thursday mass
April 22, Good Friday
10:30 a.m. Faith Lutheran at ONRC
12:00 p.m. St. Martin Catholic
1:00 p.m. Trinity Lutheran - Tre Ore service
6:30 p.m. United Methodist, First Presbyterian AT Faith Lutheran
We Remember Calvary
a contemporary Tenebrae service
Good Friday, April 22, 6:30 PM
Faith Lutheran Church, Odebolt, Iowa
Presented by 25-voice Odebolt Community Choir
Barb Votrobeck, Director; Sonya Nielsen, Accompanist
Sponsored by OAK Ministerial Association
7:00 p.m. Trinity Lutheran - Tenebrae candlelight service7:30 p.m. Bethel Lutheran, Kiron - Good Friday service
April 23, Holy Saturday
8:30 p.m. St. Martin Catholic - Easter Vigil AT Sacred Heart in Ida Grove
8:30 p.m. Trinity Lutheran - Easter Vigil candlelight service
April 24, Easter Sunday
7:00 a.m. Faith Lutheran - Easter Sunrise service
7:00 a.m. Trinity Lutheran - Easter sunrise service, Easter breakfast
7:30 a.m. St. Martin Catholic - Easter sunrise service and breakfast
7:30 a.m. United Methodist - Sunrise service with breakfast following
8:30 a.m. First Presbyterian - Easter brunch
9:00 a.m. First Baptist, Kiron - Fruit, rolls and coffee
10:00 a.m. First Presbyterian - Worship with baptisms and six new members
10:30 A.M. First Baptist, Kiron - Worship service
10:30 a.m. St. Martin Catholic - Easter Sunday mass
10:30 a.m. United Methodist - Worship service
The DownTown Cafe, Odebolt
Open Easter Sunday, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Buffet style dinner including ham, turkey & broaster chicken
Buffet style dinner including ham, turkey & broaster chicken